With so many paints to choose from, it can be hard to know which one is right for your project.
If you’re new to art and don’t know where to begin, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of some of the different paints and what to use them for.

Acrylic Paint
Acrylic paint can be used on most surfaces. Whether it’s paper, canvas or brick – the high pigment formula will work on just about anything. Just be warned that they do dry quickly, so you’ll need to work fast.

Oil Paint
Canvas is the best surface for oil painting, but it doesn’t mean it’s the only option. Paper, card, metal and wood can also be used. In comparison to acrylic, you’ll have more time to paint as it dries slowly.

Glass Paint
Water-based glass paints are a great way to spruce up old jars with a splash of colour. Once baked, they are dishwasher safe. Brands like Pebeo are a good place to shop.

Watercolour Paint
When it comes to watercolours, there are three different papers to choose from: hot pressed, cold pressed and rough. The first is smooth and suitable for detailed art, the second is raised and the latter has a lot of texture, making it perfect for landscapes, according to Art Supplies. Always ensure that your paper is acid-free to avoid discolouration.

Fabric Paint
If you want to add some extra edge to an outfit, try using a fabric paint. Not only will your design be unique, but you’ll have a great time making it. According to House Beautiful, acrylics are the most durable against the sun and washes. You can also buy them as pens for that extra precision.
Puffy Paint
This three-dimensional paint works well on all surfaces and is non-toxic. The best part? You can make it yourself. All you need is flour, baking powder, salt and food colouring. Try this recipe.